Make space for a little blue.
Flutter, flutter. Watch for a flash of blue in the sky. Many blue butterflies live near dunes. People want them to have a home that lasts.
They made more space for this creature to live.
Pray: Thank God for even the smallest butterflies. They help flowers. They are food for other critters. They are lovely!
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Welcome home, silvery blue butterflies! This relative of the extinct Xerces blue butterfly has more living space. People released dozens of silvery blues in the dunes of Presidio National Park in April. The park is in California. Dunes like these used to be home to the Xerces blue. But people built houses, museums, and parks where it lived. The butterfly died out about 80 years ago. People hope silvery blues will have a lasting place to grow.
“And God said, ‘Let the Earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds.’” (Genesis 1:24)