Print me a house, please. | God's World News

Print me a house, please.

  • 1 3 D printer
    The University of Maine built its first 3-D printed house in 2023. Would you like to live in it? Now Maine has an even bigger 3-D printer. (AP/Kevin Bennett)
  • 2 3 D printer
    The 3-D printed house is made of materials that can be recycled. (AP/Kevin Bennett)
  • 3 3 D printer
    The 3-D printer makes a section of the outside wall of a house. (AP/Kevin Bennett)
  • 4 3 D printer
    Habib Dasher works at the University of Maine. He directs the use of the new 3-D printer. (AP/Robert F. Bukaty)
  • 5 3 D printer
    The world’s largest 3-D printer takes up much space! What would you print with it? (AP/Robert F. Bukaty)
  • 1 3 D printer
  • 2 3 D printer
  • 3 3 D printer
  • 4 3 D printer
  • 5 3 D printer


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Turn on the printer.   Whir.   Give it time.  It prints houses!

What if you do not like the house?  No problem.  Grind it up.  Put the parts back into the printer.  Make a new one.

Pray: Thank God for people who think of smart new ways to build.

Read More:
Meet the “Factory of the Future 1.0.” The University of Maine showed the world its new 3-D printer in April. It can print houses! The monster machine uses robotics. It gobbles as much as 500 pounds of material in an hour. People feed it matter like wood fiber. Wood fiber can be reused. Maine needs about 80,000 homes over the next six years. There are not enough houses or building workers. Is this printer the answer?

“By wisdom a house is built. And by understanding it is established.” (Proverbs 24:3)