Nothing lives there? Think again.
Dive deep to the sea floor. What lives under hot springs? People did not think they would find much. They were wrong.
Do you spy wiggling worms? There are also slimy snails. What else might be there?
Pray: Thank God for the joy of finding creatures that He made.
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Scientists thought only things like viruses could live beneath hot springs. They sent an underwater robot to explore last summer. It searched an area in the Pacific Ocean near South America. The robot turned over volcanic slabs. It found life under them! Dr. Sabine Gollner works in sea research. She says creatures above the seafloor might travel through vents. Then they settle in the depths. Now people want to search more vents around the globe.
“Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures . . . both small and great.” (Psalm 104:25)