Save that cocoa juice! | God's World News

Save that cocoa juice!

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    A cocoa farmer in Nigeria dries cocoa seeds. The seeds are also called beans. (AP/Sunday Alamba)
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    Most cocoa farmers harvest the seeds and throw away the rest of the fruit. (AP/Diomande Bleblonde)
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    A farmer in Ivory Coast prepares to cover his cocoa beans for the night. (AP/Rebecca Blackwell
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    Scientists in Switzerland want to use the whole cocoa fruit to make chocolate. (AP/Diomande Bleblonde)
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    A chocolate shop owner makes bonbons from cocoa beans from Venezuela. (AP/Lynne Sladky) 
  • 1 Cocoa beans
  • 2 Cocoa beans
  • 3 Cocoa beans
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You peel an orange.  You eat the seeds.  You toss the fruit.  What?  That is what many do with cocoa fruit. 

Some people want to use the whole fruit.  The juice is sweet.  No more waste!  

Pray:  Thank God that He gives us fruit.  Thank Him for making the whole cocoa fruit a treat.

Read More: 
Most cocoa farmers harvest the seeds. They leave the rest of the fruit to rot in fields. Scientists in Switzerland use the whole cocoa fruit. The fruit can be the size of a pumpkin. It has nutrients. The juice tastes a bit like pineapple. It can be turned into syrup. Syrup mixed with pulp and dried husk forms a sweet cocoa gel. Add the gel to cocoa beans. That makes chocolate. No other sugar is needed! 

“Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the Earth.” (Genesis 1:29)