Sugar time is all the time. | God's World News

Sugar time is all the time.

  • 1 Bats
    An animal rescuer in Australia checks fruit bats. The creatures nibble sweet apples. (AP/Rob Griffith)
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    Animal rescuer Ashleigh Johnson holds a tube-nosed fruit bat. (AP/Rob Griffith)
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    Australian fruit bats lick nectar from flowers. They also drink juice from fruit. (AP/Rob Griffith)
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    An Egyptian fruit bat hangs upside down in its cage. (AP/Bob Child)
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    A flying fox soars above the trees in Australia. It is the largest type of fruit bat. (AP/Mark Baker)
  • 1 Bats
  • 2 Bats
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  • 4 Bats
  • 5 Bats


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Do you eat extra goodies at Christmas?  Some bats eat sweets all year.  Fruit bats love treats like figs, bananas, and mangoes. 

They suck out all the juice.  Then they spit out the pulp!  

Pray: Thank God that He gives each creature all that it needs. 

Read More: 
Fruit is nature’s candy. Some bats love it. Sugar levels in their blood are high. Such levels would harm humans. Scientists compared bats that eat insects to bats that eat fruit. Fruit bats have more cells in their bodies that control blood sugar. Some drink nectar from flowers like hummingbirds. They can drink their body weight in sugar each night. Scientists think their frequent flying helps them control their sugar levels. They flap their wings 12 times per second! 

“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:103)