There is treasure in the sea.
People found a big coral reef. Coral reefs look like sea rocks or plants. Corals are many small creatures called polyps (PAW-lips) put together. Corals grow in groups.
Many corals are sick. This group is healthy!
Pray: Thank God that He takes care of His creation. He watches over animals on land and sea. He watches over you.
Read More: Scientists found an undersea mountain off Ecuador’s Galápagos Islands. A healthy coral reef grows on top! It spreads out over a mile. The reef lived through rough storms. Hard corals create reefs by secreting a stony material that acts as an external skeleton. Some corals use algae in their tissues to get energy from sunlight. Many corals living side-by-side make a coral reef. They provide a home for animals like fish, mollusks, and sponges.
God looks after all He has made. In Him “all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:17)