What a wacky bird! | God's World News

What a wacky bird!

  • 1 Puking bird Australasian crested grebe 1 Bernard Spragg
    Pūteketeke are also called Australasian crested grebes. (Bernard Spragg)
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    A male and female pūteketeke court each other. Look at those big head crests! (Getty images)
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    Parents carry babies on their backs. (Peter Foulds/Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society via AP)
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    A pūteketeke and its baby rest in their nest. (Getty images)
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    Billboards urge people to vote for the pūteketeke. It won New Zealand’s Bird of the Century contest in November. (AP/Lillie Beliveau)
  • 1 Puking bird Australasian crested grebe 1 Bernard Spragg
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  • 3 Puking bird AP23318144704357
  • 4 Puking bird gettyimages 1369355412 170667a
  • 5 Puking bird AP23318144893401


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A water bird won a prize.  Males and females give each other grassy gifts.  Babies ride on their parents’ backs.

The birds also can make themselves gag!  That gets rid of bad things in their bodies.

Pray: Thank God for the creative ways He makes birds. Some birds give us a good laugh!

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Pūteketeke (POOH-teckeh-teckeh) are also called Australasian crested grebes. They won New Zealand’s “Bird of the Century” contest in November. Males and females court each other in funny ways. They shake their heads to show off their crests. They dive and offer each other water weeds. They bump each other’s chests. Parasites can harm these birds. Those are tiny animals that live inside other animals. The grebes swallow their own feathers. That makes them gag. Then they throw up the parasites!

God watches over His creation. “I know all the birds of the hills.” (Psalm 50:11)